
Terms & Conditions

General terms and conditions for Think like a Tree programmes

We look forward to welcoming you on one of our courses, workshops or programmes.

Course fees are for one person attending a course (unless otherwise stated).   

Where courses are suitable for children this will be specified in the course description.  The age of a child place may vary dependent on the suitability of the course.

Please read the course instructions carefully about what to bring and where to attend.  Courses take place in a variety of locations around the UK – please make sure you are booking for the correct location.

Course providers:

Please check who is running your course. Some courses are run by independent providers and your contract will be directly with that provider. These courses are run with the permission of Think like a Tree but we do not accept and liability for these courses or their locations.

Disabled access and additional needs:

Please contact us to discuss your requirements.  Our sites are usually grass and woodland but we will make every effort to accommodate you. 

We endeavour to make our workshops and events accessible to all.  Please contact us if you have special requirements (eg to bring a carer, or a specific learning need) and we will discuss how we can help.


Most workshops include refreshments.  You may be required to bring your own lunch, or a shared lunch. Please see the course description about what to bring.  Please email us or the course provider if you have additional special dietary requirements.

What to bring:

Please see the booking details for what to bring. All courses require you to dress for the weather as some of each session will take place out of doors, whatever the weather.

Refunds, returns and cancellations:

Please check the cancellation policy for the course that you are booking. We would strongly recommend that you take out cancellation insurance to cover any costs should you have to cancel for any reason outside your control, including illness

Think like a Tree programmes:

For courses run by Sarah Spencer: We keep our prices as low as possible as therefore it is not possible to offer refunds for deposits or full payments if you are not able to attend. If you are unable to attend due to illness or emergency please get in touch and we will try to accommodate you on a future course, but we cannot guarantee this at this will be subject to an administration fee.

Administration fees:

£65 for course transfer (plus any additional fees that may be due to transfer to a higher-price course.  No refunds for transferring to a lower-price course)

£65 for any agreed refund (refunds only agreed in exceptional circumstances)

We reserve the right to cancel a course date for any reason (for example, inclement weather or insufficient numbers) and shall not be liable for any consequential loss that may be incurred. Under these circumstances you can request a full refund or we can transfer your booking to a future course (there may be a balance to pay for a higher price course but there will be no admin fee).

For courses run by other Think like a Tree facilitators: Please check the cancellation policy for the course you are booking on.  Sarah Spencer operating as Think like a Tree is not liable for any loss or refund for courses or workshops organised by other facilitators. 

For books: Let us know if you’re book doesn’t arrive and we’ll send another one out.  Occasionally Royal Mail does lose one so let us know if that happens.  Or if your books arrive damaged we’ll re-send them

Waiting list:

If your chosen course is full please email us to request to be put on our waiting list.  We cannot guarantee you will get a place but we’ll contact you if one becomes available.  If there are lots of people on the waiting list we will endeavour to put on another workshop.


Parking facilities are available on sites and any vehicles and their contents are left at the owner’s risk. We do not accept any liability for any damage, loss or injury to any member of your party or possessions whilst on any site offering Think like a Tree courses.

Concessionary Rates:

On some courses we try and keep a small amount of places reserved for those on low-incomes.  These places will be held until the concessionary places are all full, or until two weeks before the event or workshop, when the places will then be opened to all.

If you cannot see a concessionary place offered on your course and you genuinely can’t afford to come, then please contact us and we will see what we can do. It would be helpful to outline your circumstances and how you think you would benefit from Think like a Tree.

You are eligible for the concessionary rate on our courses/events if you are a full-time student (with a student-ID card) or receive one or more of the means-tested benefits below.  If your circumstances are exceptional but not listed below then please contact us before you book.

Please provide full information of your eligibility when booking your place.

•     Job Seekers Allowance (JSA)

•     Employment & Support Allowance (ESA): Work Related Acitivity Group (WRAG)

•     Universal Credit

•     Housing Benefit

•     Council Tax Benefit

•     Child Tax Credit

•     Working Tax Credit

•     Income Support

•     Pension Credit Guarantee

•     ESA – Non WRAG

Privacy policy:

Please check out our privacy policy here

Think like a Forest programmes:

Courses involving online access – no refunds are given in any circumstances.

Pay in instalment options have their own Terms and Conditions which must be read in full.

In-person workshops that do not involve online access will be refunded if we cancel the workshop.  We reserve the right to cancel a course date for any reason (for example inclement weather or insufficient numbers) and shall not be liable for any consequential loss that may be incurred.  We will always attempt to rearrange at a time to suit you.

"The more our world functions like the natural world, the more likely we are to endure on this home that is ours, but not ours alone"